Announcement: Jyväskylä Pentecostal Church is closing its church building until 13.4.2020
Jyväskylä Pentecostal Church is limiting its functions until the 13th of April according to the Finnish government’s guidelines to manage the coronavirus situation. (Here is the link to the government decisions.) This announcement supplements the announcement we gave on 12.3.2020. (Here is the link to the earlier announcement.)
Jyväskylä Pentecostal Church building (event center Helmi) and Palokka Toivonkulma building are closed until 13th of April. Only the employees of the church, chairperson of the elders/board, and chairs of the committees to the board are allowed in these church facilities. Persons that are needed to manage essential functions can visit the facilities by special permission from the church staff. In all situations, there cannot be more than ten people present at one time.
Sunday worship service at 11:00 and Wednesday worship service, Tukikohta, at 19:00 are only broadcasted live through the church YouTube-channel. All other activities (including children, youth and senior ministries) are cancelled until 13.4.
Congregational practices (such as baptism and blessing new members) are still performed in a smaller scale. In these cases, please contact one of the pastors.
We are looking into possibilities to arrange prayer meetings via the internet. We will notify of changes to situations and of possible new internet-based solutions on our website and through the social media, as well as with a newsletter that is sent to the church members.
Our church staff are mostly going to do distance work at this time, but you can reach them with the phone (their contacts can be found here: jklhelluntaisrk.fi/ota-yhteytta). Different departments and groups in the church are instructed to cancel or transfer all of their meetings, and to hold only essential team meetings using various connecting technologies.
Let us all pray for our nation, and especially for people in the risk groups and for health care professionals. Let us also uphold each other in prayers — the congregation is not closed, even though the doors of its church building are for now. Let us support each other and trust that the eternal God is our refuge and that we are carried by His eternal hands.
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand.
Isaiah 41:10
Further inquiries and contacts:
Lead Pastor, Esa Hyvönen, +358 (0)45 275 7424, firstname.lastname[a]jklhelluntaisrk.fi
Chairperson for the eldership, Ari Kuisma, +358 (0)40 575 7117, firstname.lastname[a]jklhelluntaisrk.fi