Tällä viikolla varaamme erityisesti aikaa yhteiselle rukoukselle. Tulethan mukaan hiljentymään ja kuuntelemaan Jumalaa kanssamme.
This week we will set aside time for prayer together. Please come and join us to pray and listen to God with us.
su / Sun
klo 11.00 Jumalanpalvelus / Sunday Service (interpretation available)
klo 15.00 Kansainvälinen jumalanpalvelus / International Service (bilingual)
ma-ti / Mon-Tue
klo 6.00-16.00 Avoimet ovet rukoilemaan / Church is open for prayer (no official program, join as you are and feel free to pray on your own language!)
klo 18.00-19.00 Rukousilta / Prayer meeting (we will help you with the language though there is no interpretation via headsets)
ke / Wed
klo 6.00-16.00 Avoimet ovet rukoilemaan / Church is open for prayer (no official program, join as you are and feel free to pray on your own language!)
klo 18.00-19.00 Rukousilta / Prayer meeting (we will help you with the language though there is no interpretation via headsets)
klo 19.00 Tukikohta / Midweek Service (interpretation available)
to-pe / Thu-Fri
klo 6.00-16.00 Avoimet ovet rukoilemaan / Church is open for prayer (no official program, join as you are and feel free to pray on your own language!)
klo 18.00-19.00 Rukousilta / Prayer meeting (we will help you with the language though there is no interpretation via headsets)
su / Sun
klo 11.00 Jumalanpalvelus / Sunday Service (interpretation available)
klo 15.00 Kansainvälinen jumalanpalvelus / International Service (bilingual)